Home » Mysterious pregnant creature with golden eyes turns out to be new species


Mysterious pregnant creature with golden eyes turns out to be new species

Scientists have discovered a new species of frog in southern Australia. This is reported in the scientific journal Zootaxa.

The group of researchers several australian university bada population litoria ewingii (litoria ewingii) – tree frogs or quaking, common in the south of the country. During their research, they realised that these frogs all make the same distinctive whistling sound, but differ in colouration. Because of these differences biologists approached to create these belonged to different, as specified, ‘cryptic species’, erroneously classified as one species.

The scientists collected DNA from the different individuals, one of which turned out to be pregnant, audio recordings of their whistles and other data. After careful analysis, the Kangaroo Island tree frogs were found to have distinct differences. Ich DNA differs from blood o six per cent, have distinctive silver ubar, brown belt on the back and size average for scrappers – 4,3 centimeter length. They have squat bodies and golden eyes, and their long and slender hind legs are coppery-pink.

